Local services in Jersey
Visitors, students and residents of Jersey can find information about local services and amenities or visit Events to find out more about local events or Local Traders about local tradespeople
Jersey is a great place for holiday shopping and has many independently owned stores and high-street chains selling a vast range of goods.
There are also a number of specialist shops, including jewellers, art galleries, toy stores, antiques dealers and seaside gift shops, as well as countless boutiques.
For the Dentist in Jersey the comfort of patients and their families is important to provide the highest level of dental care possible using the very latest techniques and equipment.
An extensive range of modern dental treatments are available at the Dental Practice in Jersey.
Excellent care, expert advice and great customer service - that is what you will receive on a visit any Hospital or Health Clinic in Jersey clinics.
Dental Service
For the Dentist in Jersey the comfort of patients and their families is of the utmost importance to provide the highest level of dental care possible using the very latest techniques and equipment.
Properties for Sale & Rent
Estate agencies in Jersey are offering a great variety of properties on the area's favourite locations. Jersey is a safe and secure place to live, making it an ideal location for families.
~Things To See and Do, Places to Visit in Jersey~ Activities and Family Activities in Jersey~
~Life & Style News~
Entertainment, Food & Drink News, Golf News, Guide, Health and Wellbeing News, Jersey News, Places to Visit News, Properties News, Shopping & Fashion News, Sport Activities News, Things To Do News, Wildlife News July 17, 2022
Jersey Archive Celebrating 20 Years
The 20th anniversary of Jersey Archive opening its doors is being celebrated today. Island FM: Jersey News …
Jersey News, Properties News July 11, 2020
Government Funding For Opera House Renovation?
Money from the government’s economic recovery package could be used to renovate the Jersey Opera House. Island FM: Jersey News …
Entertainment, Food & Drink News, Golf News, Guide, Health and Wellbeing News, Jersey News, Places to Visit News, Properties News, Shopping & Fashion News, Sport Activities News, Things To Do News, Wildlife News February 5, 2020
New plans for Tamba Park soon, says owner
NEW plans for part of the former Tamba Park site could be announced within a few weeks, its owner has said. On Tuesday, a fire broke out in the nearby…